Google removed 29 malicious Android Apps from Google Play Store; find how to identify the malicious Android Apps

Google is repeatedly trying to pure its Android Apps Archive called Google Play Store. Google keeps tracking malicious Android apps and prevents them to be uploaded, but somehow they find their way to Google Play Store.

According to a Trend Micro report, various Android Apps on Google Play Store like ‘Beauty Camera’ send the users pornographic content and redirect them to phishing websites to collect their pictures. These apps are capable of accessing remote ad configuration servers for carrying out attacks.

In earlier action Google has been removed 29 such Android Apps which are malicious and can be harmful for Smartphones and your privacy protection as well. Some of these Android Apps already downloaded for millions of times and are in use.

The most of important thing is that these Android Apps are majorly downloaded in Asian subcontinent, especially in India, indicating the demographics of the region more vulnerable to face such attacks.

These apps contain malicious scripts that by passes the security of Android OS and get installed in to the device. After being installed, their shortcut icons get hide from device’s Homescreen and apps installation list as well. This is why these apps become a tough task to remove from the device.

Android Apps like ‘Beauty Camera’ gets synced with device camera application and when camera app launches then it come in to action as Full screen Ads, mostly one of the common method. These apps carry out phishing attacks is by pushing several full-screen ads as soon as users unlock their devices. As none of these apps gives any indication of carrying out such ads, it gets difficult for the users to identify and delete them.

These apps can’t be identified unless you are not an advance ‘Techy’ user. However the best idea to avoid this incident is say no to these types of Android Apps. Even after you want to install and try some new Android apps then you must follow below precautions:-

Always prefer those publishers who have a good reputation

Every Android App on Google Play Store published by a publisher. These publishers are verified by Google himself like Google Ad-sense verification procedure but it not a guaranty that the published App is not contained phishing elements and malicious scripts. So we should always trust those publishers who have good reputation.

Reputation can be verified by Reviews

To check the publishers’ authenticity you should read the reviews left by that users who already used that app. You should also share you experience in a review after installing and using the app. So that other can also know about that particular app.

Ratings and Download Count is also important

Rating is also very helpful but if you want to be more specific than you can also check how many times it was downloaded. If the app is downloaded over million times but there is no satisfying comment than it is good idea to not to install that Android app in your device.

So these are the simple tricks that help you to find the best and phishing element free Android Apps. Please subscribe my blog by submitting your email id to get Technical Newsletter and update and most important, it is a promise that we will never spam you.

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